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Last date/time page edited 01/01/16 13:43

Going Back to Vietnam as a Tourist?


Have you considered going back to Vietnam as a tourist? A number of Vets have returned including one of our own Bob Schell, Recon Platoon, '69-'70. Bob chronicles his trip in narrative and pictures below.  He is interested in hearing from anyone who served with 2-60 Infantry during the same period.  He is also willing to share his Tourist experience with you as well.  Bob promises to send more pictures of his trip later.  We will post them upon receipt.


I recently went back to Vietnam with a couple of other vets.  We all work for the same company but were in different units at different times.  I was a medic in the Recon Platoon from 9/69 to 1/70.  On this last trip we did go to Tan Tru.  It was a really unusual feeling.  I have old pictures of the market that has Tan Tru written on the building and when I went back that same building was there but this time with a lot more activity. The people were very friendly and curious.  I don't think they get many visitors like me.  Has anyone else gone back to Tan Tru?  There is nothing to remind us of the base camp except the road that goes to the river.  Now there are houses and hootches along the road.

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